Thursday, 1 November 2018

Term 4, 2018 is well and truly upon us.

This week has seen a group of our Grade 5 and 6 students head to New Zealand for an amazing week.  Students have been hosted by families of Chelsea Primary School in Auckland.  Highlights of the week have included 2 days at school completing art, cultural and sport activities, a trip up the Sky Tower, a Maori cultural performance at the Auckland Museum, Parakai Thermal Pools, giant ice creams and Kelly Tarlton’s Aquarium.  

Next year we look forward to hosting Chelsea Primary School at PPS.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

The Grade 3 and 4 Students Loved Camp Coolamatong

The team went a bit crazy for the group photo!!!
We loved all the animals on the farm - but our favourite is the new puppy. How cute is she??


Thursday, 6 October 2016

Paynesville Primary School Excels at the State Science Awards

Grade 6 student Melody Tomkins received an A Bursary this year. This is just reward to Melody who received a B Bursary last year and has worked very hard to break into the top category in 2016.

Brodie Radford and Tom Roberts (Grade 2), Sara Melrose (Grade 1) and Jaime Fordham (Grade 6) have all been awarded a B Bursary and will be travelling to Latrobe University in Melbourne with Melody to receive their scholarships.