Sunday, 31 May 2015

Winter Sports: Monday June 1st

What a fantastic Day! The weather was cold but the rain stayed away (for the most part).
I would like to thank PFA helpers Tash Chandler, Jamie Watkinson and Alena Melrose for their help with the BBQ - great job. A special mention to school dads Simon Oliver and Gerry Tomkins for helping out with the gear.
The students had a wonderful time with many children taking part in their first sports tournament. Well done to our coaches : Jorden (netball), Kerry ( Tball), Jarryd (Soccer), Sherre (Soccer) and Jack (Soccer).
It was wonderful to have Lucknow, 754 and the Mitchell schools taking part. Congratulations to everyone involved.
In the end the Paynesville Tball team progressed through to the district competition. Well done.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Reconciliation Week at Paynesville Primary

Assembly on Monday was a wonderful way to start Reconciliation Week. Guests included Lynn Soloman - Dent and Nathaniel Van Delden. The hall was packed with students, parents, grandparents and pre-schoolers. Students left their handprint on the school mural and the choir sang beautifully.
As the week has continued all grades have headed to the Krowathunkoolong (Keeping Place) in Bairnsdale to learn more about local Indigenous history and culture. Rob Hudson has been teaching the students about pre-european life in East Gippsland and the students have loved the learning.

A group of grade 5 and 6 students outside the Keeping Place in Bairnsdale.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Science Alive at PPS

Grade 5 and 6 students have been undertaking a scientific research project.
They have been researching ANTS!
Groups have established their sites and they have been observing and recording their findings.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Cross Country Day was Fantastic!

 Logan Pask and Jaime Fordham in full flight at the district cross country at Nagle College on Monda May 18th.


Thursday, 14 May 2015

Cross Country Monday at Nagle

Good luck to all of the students representing PPS.

Basketball at PPS

Paynesville Primary School now has 4 senior teams in the local Bairnsdale Basketball Competition and we have a junior team taking part in the Aussie Hoops program. Congratulations to everyone involved and a special mention to

Chloe Higgins who backed up last week after her under 12 game and played in the C grade ladies competition. Well doe everyone. See you at the courts next Tuesday.

The Paynesville Primary School Dads and Teachers Basketball team is currently sitting 3rd on the B grade mens ladder.

Premiers Reading Challenge

Nothing promotes a love of literacy like sitting down and sharing a good book.  If you are looking for a little motivation or relaxation - sign up for the 2015 Premiers Reading Challenge.

ANZAC Biscuits on ANZAC Day

We were very proud of the students attendance at the recent ANZAC Day ceremony. A very special part of  the day for Paynesville Primary School was the making of the ANZAC biscuits that were served after the ceremony. Students baked the ANZAC biscuits as a part of their kitchen garden work and we are very proud that they were served to the attendees of the 2015 ANZAC Day ceremony.

Open Water Swim Program Ready to go in 2016

The school community would like to thank Christine and her team for completing the challenge and making the Open Water Program avaiable next year for East Gippsland Schools. Welll done Christine.