Monday 31 August 2015

Coming Up before the end of term

  • Grade 6 Students at Cape Conran this Week.
  • Parent Teacher Interviews next week - please make of your booking online or via the school office.
  • Grade 3 and 4 play this year is..."There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom!" Come along and have a great night out! Day  and evening performances on Thursday 17th September.
  • China Trip - I hope your bags are packed! Sept 19th - 30th.

Next Term - The Kiwis are here early on. Thankyou to all families who are hosting students from Chelsea Primary Schoiol in Auckland NZ. You can catch up on the Chelsea gossip


Chinese Sister School Visit


Aug 10th - 15th


It was wonderful to have our Changshu Primary School friends here for a week. We held a special assembly that involved dancing, singing and instrumental performances.