Sunday 13 July 2014


Hopefully everyone is rested and ready for a busy Term 3.

We have some exciting activities planned for this Term.

Our Kitchen Garden Festival is Scheduled for the 2nd August, this year - so mark this date in your diaries and start cleaning out cupboards.  We are after donations of;  Books, sporting equipment, toys.  We are also after volunteers - if you can help out - even for 1 hour please let us know.
During August our Grade 6 students will be heading off to Melbourne for a two night adventure camp.
We also have our International visitors arriving this month.  Paynesville will once again be hosting visitors from China.  These visitors are students at our sister school in Changshu.  We look forward to the opportunity to foster our International connections and re-establish friendships which have been made earlier.

Have a great Term.

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